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1991: American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology (ABPN)
1989: American Board of Electrodiagnostic Medicine
(EMG/NCV, Evoked Potentials), (ABEM)
1992: American Board of Clinical Neurophysiology (Evoked Potentials, EEG) (ABCN)
March 1992-2002: Diplomat in the Subspecialty of Neurology with Added Qualification in Clinical Neurophysiology
May 2005: Diplomat, American Board of Sleep Medicine (ABSM)
American Academy of Pain Medicine
American Society of Neuro-Imaging
Fellow of the American Academy of Neurology (FAAN)
Fellow of the American Academy of Sleep Medicine (FAASM)
Fellow of the American Association of Neuromuscular & Electrodiagnostic Medicine (FAANEM)
1969-1970: High School, Diploma in Natural Science
Pahlavi University High School
Shiraz, Iran
June 1970-1978: M.D., Tehran University School of Medicine Tehran, Iran
Certificate includes 7th year as rotating internship training
1977-1978: Internship, Rotating Flexible Internal Medicine
Tehran University Hospitals
Tehran, Iran
1985-1986: Neurophysiology Fellow (EEG, E.P., Sleep, Epilepsy)
Kansas University
Kansas City, Kansas
1986-1987: Neuromuscular Disorders and EMG/NCV
Medical College of Georgia
Augusta, Georgia
1987-1997: Assistant Professor of Neurology
Tulane University School of Medicine New Orleans, Louisiana
1997-2007: Associate Professor of Neurology
Tulane University School of Medicine New Orleans, Louisiana
2007-Present: Professor of Neurology
Tulane University School of Medicine New Orleans, Louisiana
1987-2022: Director, EMG Laboratory
Department of Psychiatry and Neurology Tulane University School of Medicine New Orleans, Louisiana
July 1987: Co-Director, EEG Laboratory
Department of Psychiatry and Neurology Tulane University School of Medicine New Orleans, Louisiana
June-December 1991: Co-Director, Sleep Laboratory
Department of Psychiatry and Neurology Tulane University School of Medicine New Orleans, Louisiana
1978-1979: Royal Guard Tehran, Iran
March-May 1980: Royal College of Surgeons of England University of London, London, England Institute of Basic Medical Sciences Basic Medicine Science and Surgeon
October-December 1980: University of Exeter
Postgraduate Medical School Exeter, England
Clinical Attachment
Medicine Child Health
Psychiatry Pathology
Surgery Obstetrics and Gynecology
April-August 1981: Chinese Medical and Acupuncture
Research Institute, Los Angeles, CA
July 1982-June 1985: Neurology
University of Missouri Columbia, Missouri
Chief Resident, Neurology University of Missouri Columbia, Missouri
July 1985-June 1986: Neurophysiology Fellow Kansas University Kansas City, Kansas
July 1986-June 1987: Neuromuscular Disorders and Electrodiagnostic Medicine EMG/NCV
Medical College of Georgia Augusta, Georgia
July 1987-2022: Tulane University
Full-Time Faculty Neurology New Orleans, Louisiana
February 11, 1985 (Active) California (#A41514)
June 25, 1987 (Active)
Louisiana (#07415R)
1987-Present: Attending Neurologist
Tulane Health Sciences Center
New Orleans, LA
1987-Present: Consultant, Neurologist
University Medical Center New Orleans (Charity Hospital) New Orleans, Louisiana
1987-Present: Consultant, Neurologist
University Medical Center New Orleans
New Orleans, Louisiana
1988-2017: Consultant, Sleep Laboratory
Tulane Medical Center
1955:Consultant, Neurologist Lakeside Hospital
Metairie, LA
1995-2012: Consultant, Neurologist Huey P. Long Hospital Pineville, LA
1995-2012: Electromyography (EMG) Consultant Huey P. Long Hospital Pineville, LA
1996-Present: Consultant, Neurologist
Advanced Neurodiagnostic Center
Metairie, LA
1996-Present: EMG Consultant
Advanced Neurodiagnostic Center
Metairie, LA
2003: Consultant, Neurologist
Doctor's Hospital of Jefferson
Metairie, LA
2003: Consultant Neurologist
East Jefferson General Hospital
Metairie, LA
1. E.C.F.M.G. (# 295-400-6, Jan 1982)
2. VQE
3. Flex (#1946, June 1982)
1982: American Medical Association
1982: American Academy of Neurology (FAAN)
1988: New Orleans Neurological Society
1989: American Association of Electrodiagnostic Medicine (FAANEM)
2002: American Board of Sleeping Medicine (FAASN)
1. Investigator in an open cross-over study of the food on gastric P.H. and gastric emptying of Heidelberg Capsule in Parkinson's Disease patients and age-matched healthy volunteers. This study was conducted by a research fund from Merck Sharp and Dohme Company.
2. Co-investigator in Migraine Headaches Study with Dr. Ziegler at Kansas University Medical Center (Effect of Migraine Headaches on EEG, VER, and CSA).
3. A retrospective study of 550 cases demonstrated the relationship of thyroid nodules with thyroid carcinoma at Tehran University.
4. Department study of hemineglect syndrome in patients with right parietal lobe lesions of the University of Missouri.
5. Active involvement in Department research study-TASS Ticlopidine vs. Aspirin Stroke Study. The epileptogenic potential of intravenous and subcutaneous (Recombinant Human Erythropoietin (r-HuEPO) in normal male subjects sponsored by Ortho Pharmaceutical Corporation.
6. Burroughs-Welcome Co., "A Multicenter, Placed-Controlled, Parallel Design Dose-Response Evaluation of the "Safety and Efficacy of Lamotrigine as Add-on Therapy in Outpatients with Partial Seizures" Co-investigator, Performed June 1988-September 1990.
7. Burroughs-Welcome Co., An Open Continuation of Lamotrigine Study in Epileptic Outpatients. Performed May 1989-September 1990.
8. Burroughs-Welcome Co., A Multicenter, Placebo-controlled Parallel-Design, Phase III Evaluation of the Safety of Lamotrigine as Add-on Therapy in Outpatients with Partial Seizures
9. Abbot Laboratory. Depakote low and high-dose therapy in partial seizures. Study initiated September 1990.
10. Parke-Davis, Protocol #1014-01, a 24-month, double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled, fixed-dose, parallel-group, multicenter study of Zenarestay (CL-1014) in the treatment of diabetic neuropathy.
11. Pfizer, Protocol #078-109, A multicenter, double-blinded, placebo-controlled parallel group study of the effects of oral Zopolrestat in subjects with peripheral symmetric diabetic polyneuropathy
1987-Present: Education Committee Tulane University School of Medicine Psychiatry and Neurology
1990-Present: Tumor Committee Charity Hospital of New Orleans
1990-Present: Resident Grievance Committee Tulane University School of Medicine
1987-Present: Lecturer, Junior Neurology Clinical Clerkship
1987-Present: Lecturer, Sophomore Neurology Course
1987-Present: Lecturer, Freshman Neuroscience Course
1988-Present: Lecturer, Standardized Patient Program
1999-Present: Lecturer, Junior Neuroscience Course
1. Lai, C.W., Shamsnia, M. (October 1986) The Effect of Eye/Hand Dominance on Topographic Distributions of Visual Evoked Potentials. Journal of EEG and Clinical Neurophysiology (International).
2. Shamsnia, M., Gulati, A.K., Rivner, M.H. (1987) Physiological Demonstration of Functional Innervation of ALS Muscle Transplants into Nude Mice. Journal of Neurology.
3. Shamsnia, M., Lai, C.W., Sansone E., Stron, A. (1988) The Accuracy of EEG Interpretations by EEG Technicians. Journal of EEG and Clinical Neurophysiology.
4. Gulati, A.K., River, M.H., Shamsnia, M., Swift, TR., Sohal, G.S. (1988) Growth of Skeletal Muscle in Patients with Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Transplanted into Nude Mice. Muscle and Nerve Journal.
5. Rivner, M.H., Shamsnia, M., Swift T.R., Trefz J, Roesel R.A., Carter Al, Yamamura W., Hommes F.A. (1989) Kearns-Sayre Syndrome Mitochondrial Encephalomyelopathy and Complex II Deficiency. Neurology 39: 693-696.
6. Weisberg L.A., Stazio A., Shamsnia M., Elliott D. (1990) Nontraumatic Temporal Subcortical Hemorrhage: Clinical-computed Tomographic Analysis. Neuroradiology 32: 137-141.
7. Weisburg L.A., Elliott D., Shamsnia, M. (1990) Lacunar Infarction in Patients with Hypertensive Intracerebral Hemorrhage. Southern Medical Journal 83: 1050-1052.
8. Weisburg L.A., Stazio, Elliott D, Shamsnia, M. (1990) Putaminal Hemorrhage: Clinical- Computed Tomographic Correlations. Neuroradiology 32: 200-206.
9. Weisburg L.A., Stazio A., Shamsnia M., Elliott D. (1990) Nontraumatic Parenchymal Brain Hemorrhages. Medicine 69: 277-295.
10. Weisburg L.A., Elliott D, Shamsnia, M. (1990) Lacunar Infarction in Patients with Hypertensive Intracerebral Hemorrhage. Cardiology Digest. Southern Medical Journal 83: (9)1050-1052.
11. Weisburg L.A., Shamsnia, M., Elliott, D. (1991) Seizures Caused by Nontraumatic Parenchymal Brain Hemorrhages. Neurology 41(8): 1197-1199.
12. Weisburg L.A., Elliott D., Shamsnia, M. (1991) Intraventricular Hemorrhage in Adults: Clinical- Compound Tomographic Correlations. Comput Med Imaging Graph. 15(1): 43-51.
13. Weisburg L.A., Shamsnia, M., Elliott, D. (1991) Nontraumatic Posterior Temporal Lobe Hemorrhage: Clinical Computed Tomographic Correlations. Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics. 15(5): 355-359,
14. Weisburg L.A., Elliott D., Shamsnia M. (1992) Massive Putaminal-Thalamic Nontraumatic Hemorrhage. Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics 16(5) 353-357.
15. Cros, D., Palliyath, S., DiMauro, S., Ramirez, C., Shamsnia, M., Wizer, B. (1992) Respiratory Failure Revealing Mitochondrial Myopathy in Adults. Chest 101(3): 824-828.
16. Lovera, J., Shamsnia, M. (2002) Antiphospholipid Antibody Related Autoimmune Demyelinating Disease of the Central Nervous System.
17. Willis, K., Morello, A., Shamsnia, M., Davie, A., Rice, J., Bennett, J. (2002) Focused Use Treatment of Childhood Hemiparesis: Serial Casting. Pediatrics
18. Mack, C., Sharon, D., Simakajornboon, N., Shamsnia, M., Ferris, G. (2006) Duration of Leg Movements and Ferritin Levels. Sleep Volume 29.
19. Glorioso, III L., Shamsnia, M., Pribil, S., Bartholomew, B., Shamsnia, S. (2007) Multipositional MRI of the Cervical Spine in Disc Disease. American Association of Neurological Surgeons.
20. Shamsnia, M., Beaucodray, T., Moghareg, M. (2010) Cervical Radiculopathies Diagnosis with Dermatomal Sensory Evoked Potentials. American Association of Neuromuscular & Electrodiagnostic Medicine.
21. Sharon, D., Shamsnia, M., Mack, C., (2013) Restless Leg Syndrome (RLS) Around the Globe: Diagnosis and Epidemiology. World Association of Sleep Medicine.
22. Shamsnia, M., Aysenne, A., Glorioso, L., Dumont, A., (2017, January). Diffusion Tensor Imaging in Spinal Disorders (DTI). Louisiana Neurosurgical Society.
23. Shilstone, Mackie. "Optimum Performance: Is One Blow to the Head Too Many in Football?",, 11 Aug. 2017,
a. Shamsnia, M., Lai, C.W., Sansone, E., Stong, A. (1986) "The Accuracy of EEG Interpretations by EEG Technicians." Presented at the American Central EEG Cedar Rapid. I.A.
b. Shamsnia, M., Gulati, A.K., Rivner, M.H. "Physiological Demonstration of Functional
Innervations of ALS Muscle Transplants in Nude Mice." Presented at the American Academy of Neurology 39th Annual Meeting, New York, New York.
C. Shamsnia, M., (1984) "Meningeal Syndromes and Neurological Complications," Presented at the University of Missouri, Columbia, MO.
d. Ross. W., Shamsnia, M., Weisburg, L.A., Cruz, E. (1989) "Acute Confusional State as the Initial Manifestation of Thrombotic Thrombocytopenia Purpura." American Academy of Neurology, Chicago.
e. Shamsnia, M. (May 1991) "Muscle and Nerve Disorders." American Veterinary Society, New Orleans, LA.
f. Shamsnia M. "Diseases of the Neuromuscular Junction." Tulane University School of Medicine
g. Psychiatry and Neurology Grand Rounds Series, (October 1998) New Orleans, LA.
h. Shamsnia, M. (February 1999) "Back Pain and Neurodiagnostic Tests." Presented at Neuropsychiatric Aspects of Primary Care, New Orleans, LA.
i. Shamsnia, M. (October 1999) "Diseases of the Neuromuscular Junction", Tulane University School of Medicine, Basic Neuroscience and Clinical Neurology Seminars, New Orleans, LA.
j. Shamsnia, M. (November 2000) "Diseases of the Neuromuscular Junction," Tulane University School of Medicine, Basic Neuroscience and Clinical Neurology Seminars, New Orleans, LA.
k. Shamsnia, M. (October 2001) "Management and Treatment of Migraine with use of Imitrex," New Orleans, LA.
l. Shamsnia, M. (2001) "Diseases of the Neuromuscular Junction", Tulane University School of Medicine, Basic Neuroscience and Clinical Neurology Seminars, New Orleans, LA.
m. Shamsnia, M. (August 2002) American Society of Electroneurodiagnostic Technologists Annual Meeting "Peripheral Nervous System" New Orleans, LA.
n. Shamsnia, M. (November 2002) "Disorders of the Neuromuscular Junction," Tulane University School of Medicine, Basic Neuroscience and Clinical Neurology Seminars, New Orleans, LA.
o. Shamsnia, M. (January 2003) "Sleep Disorders-Diagnosis and Treatment of Sleep Apnea," Tulane University Health Sciences Center, Psychiatry and Neurology Grand Round Series, New Orleans, LA.
p. Willis, J., Morello, A., Shamsnia, M., Davie, A., et al. (October 2003) "Forced Use Treatment of Childhood Hemiparesis: Serial Casting." Childhood Neurology Society Miami Beach, FL.
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